January 12, 2010

About time?

I have a perennial cough. Dry cough. Horrible cough. Coughing fits. The whole stuff.Trademark of a smoker.

But I do not smoke that much. At least that is what I think. Compared to my friends, I am well off. I smoke the lighter cigarettes and that too an average of 6 a day. After breakfast, after lunch, around 1530 hours and then after some light snacks around 1800 hours. Then two more with my friends at the 'Adda'. Thats it. 6.

My father keeps on hinting,"I had the same problem at your age. But look at me now. I have better health.". I just nod my head and slither back to my room.

All of this week I am suffering from common cold. Last night, my nose did not want to relent and let any air pass. In a bid to feel some air, I deliberately induced sneezing. I sneeze monster sneezes which shake up my whole being. And I find it funny.

As I was coughing up the phlegm, through my blurred vision (yes, I am practically blind without glasses) I could make out some lines of red in it. Putting it down to a mistake I tried it again and sure enough there was some more red.

I panicked. Was I coughing up blood? Was I terminally sick? But how can this be? I have been sparing with the damn cigarettes.

I had to be sure. So this time, I put my glasses on for a clearer view. I sneezed a couple of more times to coax the phlegm to come out. (This is potentially dangerous for people, as blind as bats, who do not have back up glasses and experience monster sneezes.). Sure enough, blood laced phlegm came out. This was serious. I was in trouble.

Had I already fucked myself up more than I had bargained for? I needed help. How was I going to break this news to my parents?

I was steadily losing my nerve when I felt a small prick on the underside of my tongue. I checked it immediately and found it bleeding. In the process of sneezing, my poor tongue had nicked itself against my fangs(:D).

I laughed. Relieved.

Was it a sign?

1 comment:

Scribbles! said...

Well I guess its abt time u wrote something...
anyway how dee? :)